We have been closely monitoring the situation evolving around Covid-19. After much deliberation and considering the contingency and prevention measures that have recently been put into place, the ISWC Organizing Committee, together with the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA), has decided that ISWC 2025 will be a ** virtual conference **. Our primary concern is the health and wellbeing of our community members and the challenging circumstances that might be directly affecting them. We will be providing detailed information in the following days but want to inform you about the following changes:
- Remote participation: We are working with the local organizers to put together technical infrastructure for remote presentations as well as techniques to maximize social engagement and encourage community participation. As travel is no longer required, we hope to reach a much wider audience.
- Extended deadlines: We are extending all deadlines and will publish updated timelines shortly. If you’ve already submitted your paper, you’re welcome to update it until the new deadline.
- Registration fees: We hope to substantially reduce the registration fees because of the reduction in physical resources required. We will provide more details when we’ve worked out how much the infrastructure and support will cost.
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ISWC 2025 needs your support to keep going so please submit papers, participate (remotely) and help us make this (virtual) conference a success!!
The ISWC Organizing Committee
ISWC2025 is the premier international forum, for the Semantic Web / Linked Data Community. ISWC2025 will bring together researchers, practitioners and industry specialists to discuss, advance, and shape the future of semantic technologies. Every year ISWC offers five exciting and fruitful days that you definitely don’t want to miss!
Looking forward to your participation in the ISWC2025 Virtual Conference!

To be announced.





Call For Papers!
Click on the button to view the joint ISWC "Call for papers

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29 Κ.Varnali str, 15233 Chalandri, Athens, Greece
T: +30 210 6833600, F: +30 210 6847700
Email: info-iswc2025@convin.gr
Website: www.convin.gr